Wednesday, January 26, 2011

As I began reading Somaly Mam's book, The Road of Lost Innocence it dawned on me how privileged American's are. We live in a society where some times people over look the security and protection that we are entitled to. In some countries, like Cambodia people do not have the same freedoms that we take advantage of everyday. After reading the first three chapters I realized that I should be more appreciative of the everyday simplicities of life. For example, the ability to go to school and having the transportation to go and learn. It is a sad thought to think that people do not have the same educational opportunities as others. If the girls were able to educate themselves, then maybe they would not be tricked into Human Trafficking. The fact that people will trap other human beings into this form of slavery is inhumane. Thoughts like that could not even cross my mind, and to think that so many people are involved in this "business" is such a sickening thought. Somaly Mam grew up in a strained environment. Being a forced servant for her grandfather, she was raised without an education, and instead lived a childhood filled with hard labor . Then after being sold into prostitution, her life changed forever. Luckily, Somaly is one of the few that made it out of the terrible industry.

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